These screen printing squeegees feature a solid wooden handle or a ergonomical aluminum handle with squeegee rubber already installed. Available from 55 to 95 durometer. Durometer is commonly the most versatile squeegee durometer on the market since it is soft enough to lay a lot of plastisol ink but hard enough to shear the ink away from the screen.


Welcome to buy the screen printing squeegee produced by MACROKUN
Screen printing squeegee size(for you to choose)

  MKPU-100 MKPU-300 MKPU-500 MKPU-800 ±Tolerance
Thickness 2-20mm ±0.3mm
Width 9-500mm ±1.00mm
Length 10-4000mm ±5mm
Hardness 55-95 Shore A ±3A


Standard Hardness
Soft 55,60,65 Shore A red or natural
Medium 70,75 Shore A green or natural
Hard 80,85 Shore A blue or natural
Super Hard 90,95, Shore A white
Triple Medium 75/90/75 Shore A green/white/green
Triple Soft 65/90/65 Shore A red/white/red
Other hardness and colors are available on request
50*9mm PU Screen Printing Squeegee Baldes

50*9mm PU Screen Printing Squeegee Baldes 50*9mm PU Screen Printing Squeegee Baldes

Post time: Apr-01-2021